5 Important Facts To Know About
Dental Crowns

Explore the world of dental crowns and how they can enhance your appearance and dental health. Find out everything you need to know about dental crowns in Courtice.

A healthy smile can dramatically enhance your appearance and boost your confidence, but what happens when your teeth are chipped, cracked, or decayed? Thankfully, modern dentistry offers a fantastic solution with dental crowns. Whether it’s due to an accident or natural wear and tear, dental crowns can restore the functionality and aesthetics of your teeth, ensuring that your smile remains bright and healthy.

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about dental crowns, especially if you’re considering getting dental crowns in Courtice. We’ll cover what dental crowns are, how they work, and important facts that could help you decide if they are the right option for you. So, whether you’re just curious or seriously considering this procedure, read on to learn more about how dental crowns can transform your dental health and rejuvenate your smile.

What Are Dental Crowns?

If you’ve ever wondered about solutions for damaged or imperfect teeth, you may have come across the term “dental crowns.” But what exactly are dental crowns? Simply put, a dental crown is a cap placed on a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. When the crown is cemented, it completely covers the upper and overlying visible portions of the tooth. Essentially, they are a new surface of the tooth.

Dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including ceramic, porcelain, resin, or metal alloys. Each material has its advantages, and your choice will depend on factors such as aesthetics, cost, and durability. For example, several dental clinics in Cortis offer a variety of options to meet the specific needs and preferences of their patients.

How Does a Dental Crown Work?

The process of obtaining a dental crown usually involves several steps. Initially, your dentist will prepare the tooth, which may require you to remove a portion of your tooth to make room for the crown. Then, it takes an impression of the tooth, which will be used to create your custom crown. At that time, a temporary crown could be placed to protect the tooth.

Once the permanent crown is ready, your dentist will make sure it fits properly before it is permanently attached to your primary tooth. With proper care, your teeth can last for years, functioning just like your natural teeth.

Five Things to Know About Dental Crowns

  • Protection and Restoration

One of the primary uses of dental crowns is to protect and restore teeth that are damaged or decayed. If a tooth is cracked, worn down, or otherwise compromised, a crown can shield it from further damage while restoring its function and appearance. This is especially important for teeth that have undergone significant procedures like root canals, or for teeth with large fillings where little natural tooth remains.

  • Aesthetic Enhancement

In addition to restorations, dental crowns are also ideal for cosmetic cosmetic procedures. An irregular or severely discolored tooth can be greatly improved. The shape and color of the crown can be customized to match your dentures, making it popular for front tooth restorations that directly affect your smile.

  • Material Choices

As mentioned earlier, dental crowns are made from a variety of materials. Porcelain or ceramic crowns are popular because they mimic the clarity and shine of natural teeth so well. Metal crowns, although less aesthetic, are valued for their durability and are often used for posterior teeth where stress from grazing is high Composite resin crowns are less durable than porcelain but can be it is cost-effective and requires little tooth structure removal.

  • Longevity and Care

With proper care, it can last 5 to 15 years, or more. Open packaging depends on the lifespan and wear of the crown, how well you follow oral hygiene practices, and your own oral habits (such as grinding or clenching your teeth, chewing ice , biting your fingernails, and using your teeth) on. A well-maintained crown will protect your teeth for a long time.

  • The Procedure is Not Painful

Many people worry that getting a dental crown will be painful. While some discomfort may be associated with the preparation phase, the procedure itself is generally painless. Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and surrounding gums before the procedure. Post-procedure sensitivity is normal but usually mild and temporary.


Dental crowns with Cortis are a reliable solution to enhance and protect the health of your teeth, offered by trusted clinics like Cortis Family Dentistry. Whether you want to restore damaged teeth or enhance your smile, dental crowns at Courtice provide a permanent and beautiful solution. The experienced dental team at Courtice Family Dentistry ensure that every step of your dental crown procedure is performed with the utmost care and precision, tailored to your individual needs.

If you’re considering dental crowns, Schedule your appointment or give us a call at 905-245-0440 with Courtice Family Dentistry today to learn more about your options and how they can help restore confidence in your smile. Your journey to a perfect smile begins here!